707-255-4400 | 3392 Solano Ave. Napa, CA 94558


Has anyone locked braces when kissing?

Not with our braces!

  • We used self-ligating brackets so there are no wings to get entangled with someone else’s braces – or lips!
  • Find more about our braces here.
  • Also, we do suspect this may be an urban legend..


How much will treatment cost and what are my payment options?

Treatment varies from $300 (retainer) to $6900+ (complex cases).

  • Learn more about cost here and insurance coverage for your care here.
  • At your complimentary exam, we provide you with an exact amount fee for your treatment based on your specific needs. Schedule your consultation here!
Do you offer payment plans?

We pride ourselves on making orthodontic care affordable for everyone.

  • We have low initial payments.
  • We have low monthly payments.
  • We will bill for insurance.

At your complimentary exam, we will discuss the most affordable option for you. Schedule your consultation here.

Did Katy Perry really wear head gear?

We aren’t totally sure, but we don’t think so! She wasn’t our patient – and even if she was, we couldn’t talk about it! Orthodontists are required to maintain your confidentiality and Dr. Cooke takes this seriously!

What is an orthodontist? Can't a dentist treat me?

Dr. Cooke is an orthodontist AND a dentist. She is uniquely qualified to best address your bite and jaw concerns.

  • Dentist = 4 years of intense studying of ALL dental procedures
  • Orthodontist = 4 years of intense studying of ALL dental procedures + 3 years of intense studying of bite and jaw problems and how to fix them.


Should I see my regular dentist during orthodontic treatment?


  • Your dentist is a very important part of your oral health!
  • Your dentist will perform oral exams, cleanings, and x-rays to maintain your oral and gum health during orthodontic treatment.
  • In fact, most people should see their dentist every 3 months during orthodontic treatment.


Will my braces set off the metal detectors at the airport?

Not to fear! You won’t find yourself the center of attention with alarms wailing at the airport while security goes wild because of your braces. Braces are made from materials that do not interfere with metal detectors – even ones at the airport.

Am I a candidate for invisalign?

Almost all our patients are candidates for Invisalign. We can tell you for sure at your consultation. Schedule yours here ! Learn more about Invisalign here.

Will Treatment hurt?

When teeth move, you may experience some discomfort.

  • This discomfort is usually for a short time and taking ibuprofen (Advil) usually takes away the discomfort.
  • Don’t forget: never take ibuprofen on an empty stomach!
How long will treatment take?

Depends on the case.

  • Most treatments range from 3 to 24 months, depending on the complexity of the case.
  • At your complimentary exam, we provide you with a more precise estimate. Schedule your consultation here!
Are retainers forever?


  • Teeth move forever, so we recommend wearing your retainers every night forever and ever.
  • Not only does wearing retainers protect your bite, they can protect your enamel from being worn down while clenching and grinding at night.
Will braces increase my risk of being hit by lightning?


  • People who do not wear braces have a 1 in 700,000 chance of being struck by lightning.
  • People who do wear braces have a 1 in 700,000 chance of being struck by lightning.
  • It doesn’t make a difference at all. Braces are not lightning rods. Phew!
Can I play sports with braces? Can I play an instrument?


  • For sports, we offer complimentary mouth guards that are custom made around your orthodontic appliances. Just ask for one during your next visit!
  • For instruments, learning to position your instrument improves with time – especially if you play the piano.
Do I need a referral to come see you?

No referral is needed! Schedule your complimentary consultation here. We look forward to seeing you!