707-255-4400 | 3392 Solano Ave. Napa, CA 94558

Laser Treatment for Gingival Tissue
October 22, 2022
A Precise, Atraumatic Method for Manipulating Oral Tissues


How It’s Different

The dental laser is unique because it can be used as a surgical instrument without some of the routine, but unwanted surgical effects. The laser stops bleeding, and seals lymphatic and nerve endings, thereby by-passing inflammation and the usual discomfort that is associated with inflammation.

Key Advantages of Laser Surgery

  • faster and more efficient in many cases
  • essentially painless
  • more sterile (laser tip sterilizes itself in operation)
  • bloodless in most cases
  • less invasive
  • precise and conserving of healthy tissue
  • safer
  • less painful post-operatively

Common Questions

Do patients feel pain? The majority of patients report no pain. A few report mild discomfort.

Is anesthesia required? Dr. Cooke only needs to use topical anesthetic to make sure her patients are comfortable.

Why is pain reduced so greatly? The dental laser delivers pulses of energy too short to trigger a neural response.

For what procedures does Dr. Cooke use the Laser? SOFT TISSUE MANAGEMENT: The laser is also beginning to be used in dental hygiene with great results. The ability of the laser to kill bacteria in periodontal pockets and rid those pockets of sick and infected tissue has enormous potential, not only as a means of arresting the progression of periodontal disease, but as a fast and simple prophylactic.

Is the laser safe? Absolutely, in every way, when used with good clinical judgment.

Is the laser faster than conventional treatment? Yes and no. Some procedures will go very quickly and some will seem slower. 86% of patients surveyed after treatment with the dental laser considered it to be faster than traditional instruments and preferable for the reasons given above.


Click here for Post-Op Instructions

The videos below show two different ways that Dr. Cooke uses the Laser: